Astronomy and Civilization – Konferencia
2009. augusztus 10-13 között Budapesten, az ELTÉ-n kerül megrendezésre a nemzetközi tudományos konferencia, amelynek egyik fő témája: hogyan tud a vallás valóságos, fontos elemeket hozzáadni mai, fizikai alapú természettudományos világképünkhöz, milyen kapcsolat áll fenn a vallás és a Világegyetem között.
Esemény megnevezése: |
Időpont: |
2009. augusztus 10., 00:00
meddig: 2009. augusztus 13., 23:00 |
Helyszín: | Budapest, ETLE |
Esemény hozzáadása a naptárhoz |
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A konferencia előzetes tématerve:
First Day
Astronomy and Civilization; History of Astronomy; Natural Science; Culture History;
Paul Davies: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life?
Stephen Wolfram: On the Complexity of the Universe
Joel R. Primack and Nancy Abrams: Cosmology and the 21st-Century Culture
H. Knyazeva: The Russian Cosmism and the Modern Theory of Compexity: Comparative Analysis
Devgun Chander Bhushan: Astronomy in Ancient India
Chakma Amalendu: The Concept of Astronomy
Second Day
Astronomy and Physics
Subhash Kak: Observers, Freedom, and the Cosmos
Henry P. Stapp: Mind in the Quantum Universe
Sisir Roy: Category Theory and the Quantum Universe
Sepp Rothwangl: The Cosmological Circumstances and Results of the A.D.- Invention: Anno Mundi 6000, Great Year, Precession, End of the World Calculations
Salah Eddine en Nadifi: Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Approach to the Dark Side of the Universe
Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay: Fast Bayesian Semiparametric Curve-Fitting and Clustering in Massive Data With Application to Cosmology
Adekunle Olusegun Oluwadamilare: Astronomy and Civilization
Third Day
Astronomy and Astrobiology
Vladimir Lefebvre: The Mathematical Theory of the Cosmic Subject
Menas Kafatos: Quanta and the Conscious Universe
Chandra Wickramasinghe: Panspermia and the Origins of Life - New Horizons
Fourth day
Astronomy and Philosophy; Astronomy and Religion; Astronomy and Art
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka: The New Enlightenment: Transcendental Positioning of the Living Being between the Spheres of the Earth and the Cosmos
Hans Köchler: The Relation between Man and World
Nancy Murphy: Cosmopolis: How Astronomy Affects Religion and Philosophy of Human Nature.
David Ray Griffin: From Quarks to Consciousness: A Panexperientialist View of Emergence
William R. Stoeger: The Ascent of Rationality: From Scientific Cosmology to Philosophy and Theology
Norman D. Cook: Triadic Insights in Astronomy, Art and Music